Notes from Our Clients

“Thank you for FISH for providing necessary services to Lexington residents.”

“Just a thank you for the many rides I’ve had.  All of my drivers have been so friendly and gracious.  I couldn’t get along without FISH.”

“Thank you for your support and help.  I appreciate your service.”

“Your service and people are great.  I am a 74-year-old man without a license and many medical appointments.”

“It was a pleasure riding with my driver.”

“Thank you for all your help during the year.”

“Thank you all for your kind work and dedication in helping the elderly and handicapped.”

“Thank you to all of the FISH volunteers – the phoners and the drivers!  I have met some wonderful people and appreciate all your do!”

“We are very fortunate to have this program.  Recently, I had two appointments.  The drivers went out of their way to make the trips pleasant and less stressful.”

“Enclosed is a check in appreciation of all of the FISH volunteers!  I have used your wonderful service to numerous doctors’ appointments in the past three years, and I am very grateful!  I have met lots of warm and caring volunteers who are so helpful and interesting. The personnel at the answering service are equally terrific!  Thank you all for what you do so well.”

“To everyone at FISH, thank you so much for your kindness and hard work.  It makes me able to see all of my doctors.”

Thank you to my drivers and to FISH for all your help yesterday.  I am most grateful!”

“Please accept this donation for the wonderful service that was provided me to and from physical therapy.  The three drivers were friendly, caring, and always on time.  Thank you!”

“I am so grateful for your services last January.  I had an operation at Mt. Auburn, and had your fine help a full 2-way 4 times.  I  could not otherwise have managed it.  Thank you very much!”

“I will be back in Lexington in May and will use your kind service again at that time.”

“Thank you so much for your dependable help in transporting me to and from doctor appointments.  I appreciate it!”

“Thank you all for the wonderful work you have done and continue to do throughout the years!”

“I met so many kind and interesting people who live in Lexington”

“Thank you for the service you provide.  I truly appreciate it.”

“Thanks for all that the volunteers do.”

“Thank you for your excellent service last week.  The driver was a fine driver and most interesting conversationalist.” 

“Here’s a donation for the wonderful service rendered by your driver. She offered wonderful service in delivering me and returning to pick me up.  She was pleasant to talk to and a good driver.” 

“This is such a valuable service.  Thank you, FISH volunteers.”

“Thank you for all you do.  We have enjoyed the rides.”

“Thank you for the help of one of your drivers to drive me to a medical procedure.  It was so helpful.”

From a FISH driver:  “Thank you, FISH, for giving me the opportunity to find my way around Lexington and to meet some interesting neighbors whom I can help deal with their medical issues.”

“Thank you.  Fish is the most wonderful thing since sliced bread!”

“Many thanks to all the FISH drivers who made my life so much easier during the last four months.  Sometimes I had to go to the Hospital two times a week, knowing that I could count on FISH one day a week brought me great comfort.  Keep up the good work!”  

“Thank you for providing this wonderful service for Lexington residents.”